Sunday, March 1, 2009


The other day Preston's sword was put in "time out" because he was being to instead of just handing it to me, he did this:

Here you go, Your Majesty.

(insert hearty laughter.)

Seriously. Who doesn't love being a mom? To experience moments like these? They are like these little rewards throughout the day to remind us to enjoy it.

Almost makes the gum on my new rug worth it...

President Hinckley said it best with the famed quote:

In all of living, have much fun and laughter.
Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


Wilson Family said...

well put.

Tara Rickards said...

Seriously!! That is so cute! I love those moments. Thanks for the quote. It's a god reminder...

Molly Hickcox said...

i just laughed out loud..full belly my desk.

Jaimi said...

Have I mentioned I love your kids?