Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring cleaning.

I have been doing some serious spring cleaning, people.
We're talking baseboards
ceiling fans
handles of kitchen cabinets
tile grout
shampooing carpets
filling those pesky holes in the walls
paint touch-up
vacuuming smoke detectors and vents
Serious, right?
But, just to make sure we don't get too serious, let's lighten the mood:

Hmm. Still too serious.

Far too serious...

Ahh...this is better. Foot-loose and fancy free makin' cookies at preschool.

{I need that hat, Mrs. Cynthia.}

So, if you are in need of help with your spring cleaning

just refer to the list above for some great ideas.



Wilson Family said...

ohhh, that was almost inspiring...but i think i'll hold off on serious cleaning until the big move. i hate cleaning.

the Wilcox Family said...

Do you lease out? I'm lookin' for some good spring cleaning, but can't motivate my large marge self to feel good enough to do it. At least do you lease out your children? They might teach mine a few things :)

The Gage Cage said...

Kayla got LICE at kindergarten. I'm right there with you on the cleaning EVERYTHING. My skin is crawling!!!

Good for you Lisa! I LOVE a not just clean, but a sparkling house!

Those pics...can I eat your boy. He looks SO YUMMY!

Danielle O. said...

Come on over this way please! Did you really make that cake? I am beyond amazed if you did. Also, I am laughing out loud at the handing over of the sword during the timeout comment. That Preston has got to be the funniest 3 year old ever!!