Thursday, July 17, 2008


Can I hear an "Amen!" because I finally got myself a new USB cord and can now post up-to-date pictures! So here are some shots of our trip to Utah this month. We started the trip with a Lewis Family Reunion (Steve's mom's side). She is the oldest of 9 children, so it was all of them (except for 2 that have passed away), and many of their children and grandchildren. It was a great weekend of fun, good food, great company, sports, swimming, games, genealogy, going through Grandpa and Grandma Lewis' memories and stuff, talent show, mission reports, family cookbook, and oh, did I mention good food? The whole clan had matching shirts and depending on which sibling you came from, you had the corresponding number on your back. We were #1.
Here's all 9 kids (John and Chrissy are standing in for Katherine and Bonnie, respectively)
On the 4th, Steve and I took Paige and Trev to the Stadium of Fire at BYU.

Great patriotic pre-show.
And then just a little show by a certain Hannah Montana (insert scream here).
These two had a great time singing and dancing along. I haven't fully allowed Hannah Montana's influence in our home :-), so even though they didn't know all the songs--it was SO fun!

We spent the rest of the week with much of my family. This is us, my parents, and my sister and bro-in-law's family at Brick Oven in Provo. In case you're counting, my sis has 8 of 9 of her children there!My mom, sister, neice Ashley (bride-to-be) and I went wedding cake shopping and then out to lunch (thanks, Mom!) and enjoyed some pre-wedding, girl time!A day with cousins and Nana and Papa at a lovely park in Cedar Hills. This creek was FREEZING if you're wondering why everyone is making a run for it! Wrestling time.

Me and the Gavinator .Gavin getting a little quality time with my parents.

Just one more picture of the Goo man.

Male bonding with boche ball.My big sis and me.
(and my cute hub in the background)I love this picture.

I had the chance to catch up with some friends from yester-year. This is Shar and Summer from BYU days.

And here are our offspring. We all started with a girl and then it's been nothin' but boys ever since! (Two babies not pictured)

Out to lunch with two dear friends from my Virginia days. We hadn't seen each other in 10 years, but we happen to have reunions in Utah the same week. My brother and I actually lived with Mary and Julie's family during my freshman year of high school while my dad was commuting out of state for work. We had us some fun times!
My sister from another mother, Molly.

We were BYU roomies and kindred spirits, and I always see her every summer that we head up to Utah. I have always greatly disliked being in pictures with her because of her gorgeousness, but it is a necessary evil to prove to our children that we were friends and hung out every once in awhile.


The Moore Family said...

What an amazing trip!!!! Great pictures - i love the "insert scream here" haha.

And I am so glad you got a cord finally!!

Jaimi said...

I'm not usually a fan of the matching t-shirt thing, but I must admit the number idea is pretty cute.

By the way, you look smashing in the picture at "Stadium of Fire!"(Insert fire torches and fireworks here.)

Wilson Family said...

well we are glad you are back but what a fun trip!! Oh I miss Stadium of Fire...and I always wonder how they always seem to get the big names. I'm not into Hannah Montana (i'm so not cool i know) but I know what a big deal she is.

Anonymous said...

How fun to see a picture of Molly! Please tell her hi from me next time you chat!

The Gage Cage said...

Wow Utah does do the 4th right! I love those banners. How fun that you were able to see soooo many friends and family! You look beautiful as ever! I'm go glad you were able to get a new cord!

The Tanners said...

What a fun new addition to the blog. Such good pictures and fun times. We loved having you up here and enjoyed all of you. Thanks for all you guys did with helping out with dinners, etc. and just being you. We love you.

Molly Hickcox said...

I'm pretty sure I look like a heat-exhausted linebacker in those photos. What is all this craziness about not wanting to be in pics with me - you're the cute one! Miss you :)