Sometimes, when you are in the midst of woes, it feels good to count blessings and make them known. Name them one-by-one. Make a list, even. So, I am doing that.
Blessing Number One: My husband
Superhero Status: Active
Week from You-Know-Where: Affirmative
What follows are things he has done that make him a really nice person to live with--this last week in particular.
~He brings me breakfast on a tray each morning. If it's cereal, he brings the dry cereal in a bowl and the milk in a mini-pitcher so it won't be soggy by the time he brings it to me. If it's oatmeal, he brings a separate bowl of brown sugar and a lot of it because he knows I'm picky about the sweetness of my oatmeal.
~He moved our nightstands around so that I now possess the larger one. This gives me more room for my junk that he set up for me (prenatal vitamins, medication, water jug, kleenex, chapstick, glasses, books, snacks...)
~ In the middle of the night, when he hears me breathing heavily during contractions or from discomfort, he reaches over and rubs my back (or he asks first, because sometimes a woman cannot be touched during a contraction)
~He made 2 trips to Urgent Care and one trip to the pediatrician to attend to our sick children.
~He has disinfected counters, lightswitches, toothbrushes, and towels so to iradicate the germs (Did I mention he also lets me boss him around sometimes too because, frankly, these are the things mommy does when everyone is sick and he might not think to do them.)
~ He opens the blinds in our room in the morning because he doesn't think I'm getting "enough Vitamin D from the sun."
~ He tries to be silly and make me smile.
~ When he's doing the laundry, he asks, "Wait. Do I hang dry this or put it in the dryer?"
~ He set up a "guest chair" next to my bed if anyone wants to visit or for when he comes up and eats dinner with me.
~ He totes the kids to school and friends/family houses during the day so they are taken care of.
~ Blesses me with his priesthood and helps bring me comfort and peace.
~ Loves on me when I cry.
Yes, what great husband!!! You deserve it though. So sorry that it has been a rough week or so. There I was complaining a couple of weeks ago that my babies would never come out and all you are trying to do is keep your sweet girl in. Just ignore my selfish ways please!
I am so glad that you are being so well taken care of. You guys make a perfect team. Keep up the good work with incubating that baby of yours and you will be in our prayers.
OK, this is going to sound really weird because you may not remember me but I knew you in Virginia. Amy Lough, remember? In your ward and sat next to you in choir and friends with the Atkinsons? Well hopefully you do and don't mind me peeking at your blog (by way of Julie's...sometimes I stalk). Anyway, I just wanted to say that you are adorable and I wish I was your neighbor because I think we could be best friends. ha ha Seriously so glad to see you happy with an adorable family and a fun sense a humor.
Hope I didn't creep you out.
We'll keep you in our prayers!
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