(did I gain 10 pounds last night?)
I am happy to almost be in the "30's" as far as weeks go.
I have high-risk pregnancies, and we just are thankful for each day that I am still pregnant...
Here's a brief history for any interested parties:
Paige--water broke at 35 weeks. 6'11'' : Big baby girl, right? She was fine at first until I figured out that I was making zero, like ZERO, milk and almost starved her...I digress.
Trevor--hospital stay at 30 weeks (because I was already dilated to a 3). They set me up on a Magnesium drip (a form of torture) and my doctor planned on me staying there until 35 weeks. We set up camp, but they still couldn't stop my labor and he came at 31 weeks at 4'4''--again, pretty hefty for such a preemie-peanut. He stayed in the NICU for 6 weeks and then we had a year of continual medical intervention ( monthly RSV shots, Meds for reflux, projectile vomiting, apnea monitor, eventual RSV...)
Preston--Doc informed me I had an "incompetent cervix" (which is just what every girl wants to hear) so he put in a cervical cerclage stitch early in the pregnancy. I still had multiple hospital visits to stop labor and after 11 weeks and 3 days of bedrest (me, counting? no.) he was born at (drumroll...) 37 weeks!!! 8'14'' later, our fattest baby, yet!
Gavin--same cerclage stitch, plus (bonus!) weekly progesterone shots this time! My faithful hubby gave me a shot in my rear for 16 weeks of the pregnancy, and though I still had to visit the hospital a few times because of those darn contractions, we still made it to 37 weeks with Mr. 8'11'...
Because of the relatively good size of our babies, my husband once teased me that I have a great oven, but my timer is a little off. (ba-dum-bum)
Baby Girl--cerclage-check, weekly hormone shots-check, contractions-yep. My doc tells me my cervix is looking fantastic (again, he's quite the charmer), but since I'm having lots of contractions he has told me to reduce my activity, "take this medication, on an as needed only basis", and DRINK MORE WATER.
I don't like water. Blagh.
But, I look at it as medicine for the baby.
I know. Sometimes I'm borderline dramatic.
So, did someone ask if we are having any more babies?
Mmmm....I think we're good.
I feel like we are pressing our luck already with four now-healthy children. However, we know this little bundle is meant for our family, and we cannot wait to meet her chubby cheeks--just not quite yet.
Oh, my goodness. I had no idea your pregnancies were so high risk! Isn't it amazing how the miracle of life happens! I will keep you in my prayers through the end of your pregnancy. You look great By the way! And I think i had an overnight weight gain of 10 pounds. :) As this is my 4th pregnancy I'm finding I have to take it easier than I did with my first couple.
You are a be-dorable pregnant gal. I only can wish for as much. I'll bet you are sooooo excited for this new pink addition. Ruffles galore!
Lisa! What a challenge! After watching my sister have lovely pre-term birth experiences twice now, I am not a big fan.
Hang in there. I loved the water advice. Every single time I went to the doctor, she told me to drink more water. There really is only so much water a person can consume in one day. However, I do believe it's good advice! Can't wait (until she is ready of course) to see pics of your baby girl!
I had no idea you had such pregnancy difficulties. Good for you for having #5!! She'll be adorable!
I've heard from Molly about all your pregnancy horrors and I am amazed at how you just keep at it with a smile on your face. Hopefully you're in good hands with your doc and hubby at your side. My only really serious complication was with Charlotte (postpartum) and I experienced the torture of IV magnesium sulfate to try and alleviate alarmingly high blood pressure. After that scare, we are done (in a permanent way). Good luck to you and baby girl!
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