Sometimes, when you are in the midst of woes, it feels good to count blessings and make them known. Name them one-by-one. Make a list, even. So, I am doing that.
Blessing Number One: My husband
Superhero Status: Active
Week from You-Know-Where: Affirmative
What follows are things he has done that make him a really nice person to live with--this last week in particular.
~He brings me breakfast on a tray each morning. If it's cereal, he brings the dry cereal in a bowl and the milk in a mini-pitcher so it won't be soggy by the time he brings it to me. If it's oatmeal, he brings a separate bowl of brown sugar and a lot of it because he knows I'm picky about the sweetness of my oatmeal.
~He moved our nightstands around so that I now possess the larger one. This gives me more room for my junk that he set up for me (prenatal vitamins, medication, water jug, kleenex, chapstick, glasses, books, snacks...)
~ In the middle of the night, when he hears me breathing heavily during contractions or from discomfort, he reaches over and rubs my back (or he asks first, because sometimes a woman cannot be touched during a contraction)
~He made 2 trips to Urgent Care and one trip to the pediatrician to attend to our sick children.
~He has disinfected counters, lightswitches, toothbrushes, and towels so to iradicate the germs (Did I mention he also lets me boss him around sometimes too because, frankly, these are the things mommy does when everyone is sick and he might not think to do them.)
~ He opens the blinds in our room in the morning because he doesn't think I'm getting "enough Vitamin D from the sun."
~ He tries to be silly and make me smile.
~ When he's doing the laundry, he asks, "Wait. Do I hang dry this or put it in the dryer?"
~ He set up a "guest chair" next to my bed if anyone wants to visit or for when he comes up and eats dinner with me.
~ He totes the kids to school and friends/family houses during the day so they are taken care of.
~ Blesses me with his priesthood and helps bring me comfort and peace.
~ Loves on me when I cry.