Thursday, June 10, 2010

Washington DC Temple

If you are not prepared (and we were not), this sight can cause a vehicular swerve as you round the 495 and behold this view:

I remember coming to the temple a few times while we lived here, but it was so long ago that I truly did not appreciate how beautiful it was. The following is a result of my camera, taking me hostage and demanding that I snap away, or else. It could not be helped for perfection deserves some devotion.

Oh, yes. Then there was this rose.

Abandoned from Saturday's wedding, I'm sure. But, it was gorgeous and accompanyed by that single drop of dew. Do you see it? And, this is straight out of the camera, no editing.
I love to see the temple, yes. But I loved seeing this particular one on this day.


The Moore Family said...

My grandfather was the stake president forever there and actually selected the land for the DC temple! The church wrote him a check to pay for it - $800,000 personal check, he said if there was a time he was going to go wrong it was then. :) My claim to fame.

The Moore Family said...

Oh, Ry guy and I did baptisms there when we were dating. He flew me out to meet the fam. Cute sweet memories.

summer said...

Oh, I miss our DC Temple! I drove along the 495 when we first moved there to teach at a school near Baltimore (crazy the distance one will drive for a job...anyway) - and every time I would see the temple I would just well up inside.

The amazing part is that it's such a landmark in the city - but not many people outside of the church take the opportunity to go see it! We told our Pediatrician about it and although of another religion, he took his family out for the Christmas lights, live nativity and beautiful displays of trees and nativities from around the world inside the Visitor's Center. He said his daughter cried and cried when they left because she hadn't had the chance to go into the castle yet! I loved telling people that the Temple was more than a landmark for the traffic report (it is routinely mentioned!) - but a very serene and beautiful place to visit.

So happy to see pictures from your trip - particularly because your old home was our old home as well....just separated by a few years! :)

summer said...

p.s. I can't believe the land was only $800,000! I know that sounds like a lot, and truly that would have been a bit more back when purchased (I know it was built in 75' - so I'm guessing sometime in the 60's-70's it was purchased?) - real estate in No. Virginia is not exactly suffering in the economy :) I'm sure the houses across the street from the temple go for about that same amount - if not into the low 1 million mark. The church definitely knew what it was doing when they had that site selected and paid that price!