Thursday, October 29, 2009


Last month, our entire family had the Swine Flu. Yes, it's true. Don't be shocked because chances are that the fever your kids had that lasted for about 4 or 5 days with a little cough, was also the Swine Flu. Our doctor said, it's too early for the seasonal flu, so this is it. Swine. But, the good news is, we had it and we survived it. But, just barely. It was miserable and it hit us the week of my sister-in-law's funeral...when it rains, it pours.

Now, Trevor has pneumonia and Gavin has a sinus infection. Dr. thinks they are secondary from the Swine Flu.


But, the good news is we are now immune to the Swine Flu and don't need the shot.

I wasn't gonna get the shot anyway.

Cause I didn't want to get sick from it.

But we did get sick.

And did I mention we survived it?

You know, the Swine Flu?


just barely.


The Gage Cage said...

That Swine Flue is hitting hard over here too and my sister in Utah says the same. My bro in law DR Gage says pretty much everybody that hasn't gotten it..will..whether it's through a vaccine or actually coming down with it full throttle. SO glad you're around the bed and on the up and up! That is lousy timing!!! Take Care my friend!

Wilson Family said...

i'm sorry you went through that! but at least you had each other to go through it together ;) and i'm very glad you guys all survived!

summer said...

So sorry to hear this...I wish I had been close by to bring you bread and soup....I would have just left it on your porch :) I sat in on a Dr's conference recently, and his take is that we all will have it, and in most cases it will be lousy...but we'll all get over it. So glad to know you are better....I was just telling Bryson that we'll try our best to stay healthy, but at some point this winter...we might just have to tuck home for a week...maybe I'll start making extra freezer meals :)

Jaimi said...

I feel your pain, my friend. Glad you are all on the mend.