Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Preston!

You know what I love? I love when child's birth story fits their personality. Yes, 4 years ago, Preston was my speediest delivery. He was ready to conquer the world, yes he was. He was also the biggest baby, nearly 9 lbs at 3 weeks early. And his cheeks have continued to hang in there. Oh, we just adore our Preston and the jubilant joy and personality he brings to our lives.

See what I mean?

We do big friend parties every other year for the kids, and the other, the kids get to pick one friend to have dinner and cake with us. This is just as special for the kids, they love it. Here is Preston best bud, K.

Trevor is so thrilled to have "real" Legos added to the boys repertoire of standard boy toys.

Sadly, I missed the "I'm so excited I can't believe I got a real knight shield" face when he opened this. What you see here is the "this is kinda heavy and my mom is making me hold it up again for a picture" face.

Grandma and Grandpa Owens came too! Grandma brought her traditional "grandkids favorite cereal for their birthday" present. Another reason to love this four-year-old is his reaction when opening this cereal was as good as any extravagant toy.

What a happy day!!!

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