Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Haiku to you.

I have a crush on last year's anniversary post, but I wanted to convey some true romance this year for #10. And I think I heard somewhere that nothing says romance like a haiku*...


steve (my husband's name
short for biblical Stephen)
endears me to him
when we made a vow
he promised to make me laugh
each day while we're alive
reminded to speak
with soft words in our fam'ly
by a man of God
del mar room service
danish with donny and m'rie
beach walks lots and lots of love
BYU marrieds
studio with green carpet
and a big hole in the door
fun driving the champ
sitting on the floor all year
livin on love sweet
he taught MTC
teaching in our blood
i taught second grade
villa maria
stolen bike teaching english
laundry up 2 flights
baby paige graced us
with pink and curls and joy
new parenting scares
time at grandma o's
valley of sun here we come
hot hot hot hot hot
a first house we built
preemie trevor boy
bedrest baby preston t
m & d o serve
islands a far they did go
we stayed in a vintage house
'nother boy ahead
lots of shots and TLC
here he comes but wait
must find a new home
gavin joins this family
six people live here
keeping out the world
loving teaching laugh and sing
letting in the light
we stand here now us
ten years of eternity
holding hands tightly


* an non-rhyming poem using a syllabic pattern of 5-7-5.


Christi Williams said...

Lisa you are so creative.
Happy Anniversary!! to You and Steve 10 years, double digits!! Love you both so much!!

The Moore Family said...

Happy 10!!!

Your poetry is amazing sister.

The Tanners said...

Love you both, love you all. Happy Anniversary! You have always been a gifted writer and I love it. The both of you are such an example to so many.

Wilson Family said...

loved the haiku!! talented?...yes. i don't think i realized you were a 2nd grade teacher - that fits, it makes sense.

the Wilcox Family said...

Have a good 10! You guys will have another 50 (or so) ahead of you--so I can't wait to read your Haiku then! You are a talent! By the way, forgive my total brain mush, but when did you live in the Villa Maria???? You gotta love that place. . . .