Friday, August 28, 2009

growing pains

Paige playing a piece at our Family Reunion variety show.

She's 8.

And good at it.

Clenches her fist in determination to wear gym shorts to school.

And to do her own hair.

Could be worse, I keep thinking.

Keeps her scatter-brained mother organized.

Just yesterday, replied to something or other with a thoughtful, "Touche." and it was an appropriate response at the time.

Yes, comedic timing.

Loves her brothers.

Hides from her brothers.

Singing and singing and singing....

and singing.

"Please, honey. Let's not sing at the dinner table."

1.7 minutes later

she reminds me the same thing.

{I think I'll change that rule.}

Wears scarves and bandanas and hats...

has her own sense of style.

Growing up too fast--

it's hard on me, hard on her.

Still wants to be tucked in

forever, I hope.

1 comment:

The Bennett Family said...

Thanks for all the smiles. I relate to this one about Paige...where does all that time go in between? Your anniversary haiku was very sweet. :) Happy Anniversary to you two.