Monday, February 16, 2009

Tagged--Quirks times 6

Only 6?

I'll try.

1. I get nauseous if people start talking in depth about needles, surgical procedures, puss, etc... It's cliche, but I really am a child about needles. Even with all my pregnancies and births, I still have to turn my head and squeeze my eyes tight. I can't look when my kids get their immunizations. I was extra brave with my Gavin pregnancy--hormone shots once a week in my hip for 16 weeks!! (administered by my husband)

2. I won't step on the shower drain.

3. I usually don't remember anything unless I write it down on the calendar or if it's a continuing occurence (preschool, etc). I'm really quite scatterbrained and have to be quite deliberate about keeping my family organized because it does not come naturally to me.

4. I procrastinate most things...I've gotten better through the years, but I still wait until the last minute to prepare lessons, talks, FHE, rehearsing songs I'm singing...though I feel the tendency is fueled because some of my best work occurs on the spot/under pressure....go figure.

5. I am disgusted when people brush their teeth anywhere than over the bathroom sink. To each his own, but this is just me. Before we got electric toothbrushes, sometimes my hubby would try to carry on a conversation, walking around with his toothbrush in his mouth, ....ahhh!!! It had to be stopped!

6. I bite my fingernails. Always have. The only time I don't is when I'm pregnant. Then I have these long, pretty nails. Must be the prenatal vitamins. Though, I am making a conscious effort to stop these days...

Oh, I thought of a #7. I have an aversion to any soft, slimy foods like yogurt and pudding. Seriously, if I eat them plain, my stomach starts turning...They must have nuts, granola, cookie-crumbs, or something crunchy in them or it makes me ill. Even guacamole, which I love with chips and anything else, makes me nauseous if I lick the spoon after I've made it. Oh, and don't get me started on mayonnaise...

I tag whoever is feeling quirky.


The Gage Cage said...

Those are pretty mild least compared to some of mine. =) I was wondering...did Donny Williams nephew make it passed all the cuts so far in American Idol?

Sapp Family said...

I have to totally agree with the shower drain one. Not sure what it is but it bothers me...:)