Friday, February 27, 2009

idol, er, idle talk.

My hubs tells me I coulda been on American Idol

and I'm like,

honey, yes, I can sing in church,

but this is a whole 'nother ball game, yo.

Plus, I'm 31.

And a half.

And I'm not competitive enough.

Me: Oh, no, really. You have a better voice. You should win.

You're a welder, single mom, struggling artist?

Yes, you take it. I'm good.

However, I'm not sayin' I don't have that hairbrush in hand in front of the mirror every now and then.

{Trev playing with my camera a few weeks ago.}


Wilson Family said...

trevor takes a very stunning picture of his very stylish mom if i do say so myself. when i go shopping in april i'm going to need your guidance in where to shop.

Janelle Ehat said...

You are so beautiful Lisa! And I have to agree with your hubby on this one! You should be on American Idol! You are amazing! Although I don't really see you in the Hollywood drama scene, you're way to down-to-earth for that! But you will always be one of MY American Idols!

Lisa said...

You lovely people are way too nice to me....