**Update 2/21: Boys are on the mend. They slept all night last night, no coughing attacks. The meds and breathing treatments are doing the trick. T & P are back to their antics, and we are so glad.
It's been quite the turn of events today.
Trevor has been sick all week with this persistent fever and cough. Of course, we just figured it was a cold which would run it's course.
Preston has seemed fine, with a little runny nose. Last night he said his ear hurt a little, but slept fine. Well, all was not fine.
No sir.
After letting me vegg in front of the computer this morning and rest, rest, rest, Steve took the two big boys to the doctor.
Preston--Double ear infections and strep throat (what?)
Trevor--Strep throat and Pneumonia (what, what?!)
So, once I got the news from Daddy per cell phone, I got off my keister and began The Disinfection. Lysol wipes and spray on every door knob, light switch, toilet, and hard surface. Washing towels, toothbrushes, etc, etc, etc. (All done with the intermittent changing of the gauze and swishing, naturally.)
Our cute boys came home and we babied and nursed them. Preston and that constitution of his, are no match for illness. So, even though he would not let up that infection is festering, I still cuddled him. Poor Trev has a rough life right now. He is so weak and lethargic, but he's so diligent about running to the toilet if he thinks his coughs are "too big" and the throw ups are coming.
Fingers xx, Miss Paige and Baby Goo are still fine.
We are in quarantine, folks. 36 hours, max. Anti-biotics, do your magic.
We want these guys back.
Oh man. Thank heavens for modern medicine!
Oh Lisa, that picture of Trevor brings back memories of Katie. It's so scary to have them so sick. I am glad Steve got them to the Dr. and no fun to have so many of you down. You need to be careful not to over do yourself. I am sending my love and hope recovery for everyone happens fast.
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