Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fabu Five.

Our Trevor had just a few requests for his birthday this week, and they are as follows:
Batman cupcakes for his preschool friends.

His best chum, Nathan.
Bean burritos, cheese crisps, and nachos.
A pirate-guy-with-a-patch-and-earring cake.


And, well, presents. Always presents.

Trevor we love you so much, and we bless the day that you joined our family. Happy 5th year!! You are a giant among men (not to mention five-year-olds.)

**{Yes, Ms. Jaimi, he wore that birthday crown ALL DAY LONG, except for when he bowed his head for prayers...we love our boy and his penchant for head-wear)

1 comment:

Jaimi said...

Lisa, your Batman cakes were awesome.

Although I'm glad Trevor liked his crown, I am quite embarrassed that it is in so many pictures--not my best work!