Monday, December 1, 2008

Some midnight Twilight

We came.
We saw.
We enjoyed that Edward's hair.
Yes, we went to the midnight showing of the pop-culture phenomenon of the year. I was secretly a little embarrassed that I was doing this, but it only made sense to do it, since I was also secretly counting down the days until it opened...
I figured I'd roll my eyes at the first crowd-squeal that was sure to come when a certain Cullen appeared on screen. Then our favorite vegetarian vampire made his debut, and I realized that the tiniest squeal escaped my lips...
But, would you expect anything less from a hopeless romantic?
It was very fun going with my cute friends. We all came to the same concensus: They pulled it off! Looked like they were dealing with a low budget, but casting was pretty good and the chemistry was definitely there with those two. Thanks Jenny for the hook-up with the tickets and for letting me steal this picture off your blog.
New Moon Movie: 2010.
Sign me up.

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