Monday, December 1, 2008

Bump, Set...well, just get it over the net.

Paige's volleyball season just ended so I'm finally posting these little gems. She loves this sport and I approve. I just love seeing her find her competitive side. She had a great time, and the highlight was that she had this way-cute coach that I would flirt with on the sidelines...Also, I'm married to him.

I seriously love this shot--with all the action-ness. My favorite is when Paige would yell, "Mine!" and go for it.

Go Lady Lions!! (Again, cute coach.)

(Can you see the cute matching ponytails I made them?)

Paige is all about the side-pony.

Good season, Lions!!

1 comment:

The Moore Family said...

Cute! How does Steve do it all? He is a marvel.