Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas vignettes...

I'm pretty sure I have a crush on my Christmas tree...
  • It makes me giddy.
  • I find it very attractive.
  • I find myself staring at it.


Santa took some time off from the workshop and stopped by Preston's preschool...

...and we were very glad of it.


There was cookie-making. Of course there was cookie-making. My children would think something was seriously amiss if mommy wasn't making cookies or something highly-sweet and highly-caloric every week. And if it's Christmas time? Well, we triple the output.

{Apron by Mommy}

The tradition of the Nativity with the Owens' cousins, accompanied by the reading of Luke 2 by Grandpa Owens.
{I think Mary looks especially elegant in her Ralph Lauren Chambray 400 count sheet--don't you?}

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I was just testing this to see if it would work and it did. Is this illegal? I went to the darling and created this and then saw the price tag... and that's when I decided I think I'll go Costco this time around. So, many of you will be receiving real, paper, snail-mail holiday cards from us. Stay-tuned.
And, yes, they will be belated.
If you don't, I will be posting a copy of it here later for your viewing enjoyment. Again, stay-tuned....

Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas to all...

...and to all a good night!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Look how darling I am, climbing up these big stairs on my own.
He started with terrifying me with just one step, and now it sixteen steps. We have a gate at the top, but it looks like we need to imprison him a little bit more.
Speaking of which, Paige killed me the other day with this comment:
P: Mom, what is jubee?
M: Jubee?
P: Yeah, joo-bee.
M: Umm...
P: Today at school I heard that kids that break the law go to jubee.
M: (spontaneous laughter) Ohhh--you mean, "Juvi". It's short for Juvenile Hall.
P: Yeah, that's it.
Man, that was a funny moment. Also funny, was yesterday when she asked me what a wedgie was....Well, I guess that's what parents are for--to enlighten our children on the mysteries of life. I digress...
To sum this moment up:
Gavin's climbin'
and Paige knows some more.
I'm rhymin'
Now I'm goin' to the store.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I'm Pweston.

I am fwee.

I get to go to pweeskool.

Peecuz I'm a beeg-boy.

My teacher is Miss Simbia (Cynthia).

My fwend Karner (Kauner) is in my class.

And I'm a PIWATE!! ArGGhh!

My mom wants to weemember how cute my fwee-year-old talk was.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

*Click* on the links!

We had our family pictures taken last night and it was so fun! We had this very darling, very talented gal meet us at Tempe Town Lake and we ended up with some great shots. If you want to check out a little sampling, click {here} on her website. (Then click {here} for more) I am beyond thrilled with the outcome, and I've only seen a handful! I will post more when we she sends them to us.

Thank you Ashley for the awesome time! You were very patient with our crew and captured some absolutely priceless moments!!

(Wait, there's more {here}. This woman has many blogs!)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Big fan. Huge.

"By small and simple things shall great things come to pass." Right? Alma said it. So, may I apply this principle to this little, tiny tube? I think I will.
"Fix-its" performed in the last 7 days to reverse damage done by darlings:
  • Wooden blinds
  • Pirate ship flag
  • Pirate ship helm
  • Pirate ship mast
  • Nutcracker's hat
  • Another nutcracker's hat
  • Toppled lamp
  • And one of the wise men from our Nativity is no longer headless

I've quite enjoyed all the praise coming from my kids regarding my miraculous gluing skills. The latest buzz-line in our house has been, "Oh, don't worry. Mom can use the super-glue." Plus, so long as you don't adhere your fingers or eyelashes together, it's really, really fun to use.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Elf Yourself

Having a low day? Well, may I remedy that by having you click on the link below?

Owens Elves

You're welcome.

*Thank you, big sister, for turning us into dancing elves. How can we ever repay you?

Monday, December 1, 2008



I LoVe this song. I love how Sara McLachlan sings it--effortless. Plus, I have a great love for folk-sy songs.

I also love the guitar in this song.

I also AdoRe my playlist.

So, go ahead. Turn the up the volume and go clean your house--or cut coupons or dance with your kids.

That's what I do.

Thanksgiving leftovers

Caption: The tryptophan has set in. We are fat and happy. And dying laughing at "Kung Fu Panda" because of his awesomeness.
  • I made my first turkey and it was moist, tender, and succulent (2 of these are my least favorite words, but, they best describe it).
  • I used pretty dishes and am wishing I took a picture of the table--what kind of blogger am I?
  • I missed my family, but am thankful for bless-ed "Steve's side of the family" whose last name I am now lucky enough to share. They are wonderful.
  • My children played hard and ate something from every food group.
  • It was a good day.

Bump, Set...well, just get it over the net.

Paige's volleyball season just ended so I'm finally posting these little gems. She loves this sport and I approve. I just love seeing her find her competitive side. She had a great time, and the highlight was that she had this way-cute coach that I would flirt with on the sidelines...Also, I'm married to him.

I seriously love this shot--with all the action-ness. My favorite is when Paige would yell, "Mine!" and go for it.

Go Lady Lions!! (Again, cute coach.)

(Can you see the cute matching ponytails I made them?)

Paige is all about the side-pony.

Good season, Lions!!

Some midnight Twilight

We came.
We saw.
We enjoyed that Edward's hair.
Yes, we went to the midnight showing of the pop-culture phenomenon of the year. I was secretly a little embarrassed that I was doing this, but it only made sense to do it, since I was also secretly counting down the days until it opened...
I figured I'd roll my eyes at the first crowd-squeal that was sure to come when a certain Cullen appeared on screen. Then our favorite vegetarian vampire made his debut, and I realized that the tiniest squeal escaped my lips...
But, would you expect anything less from a hopeless romantic?
It was very fun going with my cute friends. We all came to the same concensus: They pulled it off! Looked like they were dealing with a low budget, but casting was pretty good and the chemistry was definitely there with those two. Thanks Jenny for the hook-up with the tickets and for letting me steal this picture off your blog.
New Moon Movie: 2010.
Sign me up.