Monday, April 16, 2012


Happy Birthday week, Lucy!


Jaimi said...

Love the sucked in cheeks picture. I can't believe she is one and I still haven't met her. ):

Shar said...

Oh Lisa, she is too cute. But then again, it runs in your family. Just got caught up on all your 'fun-ness'--I loved the April Fools Dinner. Gonna try that myself. . .

Shane and Clara said...

Lisa, you guys have many of your birthdays so close have been super busy! Actually, isn't that normal Mommy Life?!

I can't believe your Paige is already 11! That means only 1 more year till YW age! So exciting for her to anticipate that fun stage of life!

YOur kiddos are all so adorable, and fun stuff you did for April Fools. I haven't ever done anything on that day.....NEXT year I'm gonna for sure. My kids would think its funny to be tricked!

So my camera started going all blurry on me a few months ago, and then finally died.....I had to replace my lens. I actually ended up trading in my Cannon Rebel Camera and upgrading to the Cannon T3i with the new lens.

Jaimi said...

I never saw Paige as a baby, but Lucy sure reminds me of Preston in the last picture.

P.S. We were in PHX this past week for a job interview and a residency recruit. We were hoping to have a chance to stop by to see you guys. I was sad when it didn't happen, but there is a very good chance we will be moving back next summer!