Friday, February 29, 2008


So, I'm so excited that I just created a playlist for our blog and I love it. If you don't have one on your blog, you must. It is so easy and so fun to think of all the songs you love and now they are in one place. This is coming from a person who is a little slow as far as technology goes. I've never had an Ipod or MP3 player or anything---I don't even know how to text message! It's sad, but true....

So, check out our songs and enjoy--they just make me happy.

Friday, February 1, 2008

It's a Boy!!

Welcome, Gavin Benjamin!!
Born January 25, 2008
4:21 pm
8 lbs 14 oz
21 inches

Here's a rewind to just hours before Gavin made his appearance.

Happy Birthday big boy! He was 3 weeks early, but still a nice hefty fella. I love you Steve. Thank you for the ice chips and for letting me crush your hand for a few hours :)

Somehow we managed to collect everyone on the bed for a quick family photo before Preston started running around the room, pushing the nurse call button and eating the nasty hospital food off my tray.

And then there were four. Paige, Trevor, and Preston just adore their new brother. We are so thankful for our kids and for our sweet new arrival. He fits right in with all the chubby-cheeked-cherubs!