Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Where we got really excited about something called "The Death Star"

Our boys love Legos. 

Our boys love Star Wars. 

Trevor has been saving up to buy the infamous "Lego Death Star" for some time. 

On ebay it runs for an estimated  $500.00.

He had $17.42.

He is a very patient boy.

However, one day Steve was talking to one of his clients.  He was talking about saving money, investments, etc....and somehow our son's earnest saving came into topic.  Steve mentioned how Trevor was saving up for the Lego Death Star.  The client said,
"Oh, yeah.  I think we have that one....yes, my sons got it years ago, but never put it together.  They are teenagers now and it's all packed up.  You can have it if you want it."

My husband tried to dismiss this generous offer, but she insisted.  Still, my husband left it at that and didn't think about it again.

Sure enough, she walked in to the office one day, plastic tub in hand with all--ALL--the pieces, still in individual bags and handed it to Steve's secretary. 

Fast forward to Steve being unable to contain his excitement and save it for Christmas...
Fast forward to Trevor and Preston's faces when during the reveal...
Fast forward to the yells and cheers...
Fast forward to 3 months of 3, 800 grey and black lego bricks on the floor of their room...

And we are at a dream come true!
Along with Daddy's help, they completed it and it still stands as sentinel on their dresser. 
It fits in nicely with their already Star Wars themed room and is such a great memory.

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