Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Photo Shoot with Mommy

 I wanted to take some pictures of the kids.  December is so busy for Steve (end-of-year deadlines at work and tithing settlement at church), and I knew I couldn't do it alone and needed a reinforcement.  So, I asked one of our cute young women from church to help me out.  Wendy was awesome ( I should have gotten a picture with her in it!) and did a great job wrangling and making the kids smile.  I just wanted some nice photos of the kids all together, and we ended up with some precious captured moments of our babies. 

(I got a little happy with the Merry Christmas sign, but I couldn't help it.)


We cherish these photos.  I love that I took them, as simple as they are.  And I will always remember that everyone was happy and cooperative.  We had beautiful lighting and weather and had fun as I praised my children and told them how beautiful and handsome they were as I snapped away.  I wasn't pulling teeth, and only had to offer a few Jelly Bellys to get smiles near the end :)  It was a lovely evening.


{And, just for fun, I wanted to show this before and after using good ol' Photoshop.  It is suuuper rough, but pretty good, I think.}

                                   BEFORE                                                             AFTER

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