Friday, August 12, 2011

The Gospel sound in our ears.

I have been missing in action on this blog lately, and I will catch up with some of our summer soon. (For there is much to tell.) But, I had to quote a lovely blog I read today. It is the Life in Grace blog that I've checked in on for a couple of years now. Like most blog-stalking, I have no earthly idea how I found it, but it's author, Edie-- a retired physician and now-home-schooling mom--is just lovely.

I originally looked at her blog for decorating ideas, homeschooling/crafting and recipes. She had a beautiful, eclectic home that she filled with love and learning. Last year, just days before Christmas, her family's beautiful (I mean, breathtaking) lake home in the deep south was burned to the ground in the middle of the night. Her entire family was spared and unharmed. She is a woman of great faith, and though we do not share the same "faith" (meaning, religion), I am often inspired by her gospel insights and dedication to what she believes. Today I read this:

We desperately need to hear the gospel. Why? Because we can hardly believe it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to wrap my mind around it. I need to hear it often and clearly. It is the power of God unto salvation. It brings life and forgiveness and salvation. And we need [to be reminded and reassured] over and over again that Christ died for us. That he loves us...

I love these words and this reminder because it is so true. There is a reason God wants us to return to him weekly in worship. We are imperfectly human and erred. We are weak and sinful. We are discouraged and scared. We are judgemental and selfish. Amidst our limitless goodness, we are also lowly and weak. Whatever we are, our mortal selves need constant reminders of His love, His forgiveness, His hope. We need to be reminded of who He knows we can become and, for heaven's sake, why we are here.

We need to hear it because "we can hardly believe it". Seriously. Sometimes I can hardly believe it. That He loves me that much.

But, He does. He does.

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