Thursday, June 30, 2011

Paige's Craft and Cooking Camp

Paige put each child's name on their aprons to take home at the end of the week. P.S. Do you love Paige's whistle?! She only used it to collect everyone from breaktime in the backyard :)

Paige decided that she wanted to attend a theatre academy camp this summer at our local dinner theatre. Steve and I are frequent patrons and love this place--Arizona Broadway Theatre. Well, we decided she should try to earn some money to help pay for it. She immediately wanted to do a craft/ cooking camp for young kiddos.

And, she let me know early on that she was in charge.

And, I let her know early on that I was the one with the car and money to buy the supplies and this would be in our home and I would more than likely be helping her manage the 13+ children that would be attending.


Well, she did an amazing job planning and executing this camp and it was a hit! A HIT, I tell you!

Over the course of 3 mornings, they made personal pizzas, chicken roll ups, sugar cookies, cupcakes, PBJ sandwiches, homemade tortilla chips and fruit smoothies. YUM!

She also had them paint birdhouses, make Father's Day gifts/cards, picture frames (each child went home with the picture above), painted flowerpots, and have fun with pipecleaners and pom-poms!

Doesn't that list make you tired?

Anyway, here is some of the fun:

And, yes, she was in charge. She decided on all the menus and crafts on her own. She prepared ahead of time and showed the kids how to do everything. But, as she got started she realized that she definitely needed an assistant :)

Thank you again for all who supported her. She had a great, fabulous, wonderful experience at the theatre camp and can't wait to do it again next year!!


The Moore Family said...

It was a hit, a HIT I tell ya! lol! My kids LOVED it! Love the pic of my Buntsy freckle face :)

summer said...

Oh wow! Way to go Paige (and her assistant!) --- what a fabulous idea, and way to get her involved in earning said money for her camp. I love it! Everything looked so well thought out and done to absolute perfection --- what a fun time for everyone involved.

Merrimom said...

It was perfect!