Saturday, April 23, 2011

Birth Day

Everybody's ready for Miss Lu-Lu.

37 weeks. Last bellypic. Ever.

Before the pain began. See? I'm still smiling.

And, viola! Here she is! (It happened almost that fast actually.)

My amazing doctor and fantastic nurse. I love them.

My mama was there, the silent support (and photographer).

Steve's mom was at the delivery, too!

We have "girls"!

Our first familypic. All of us. Complete.


Jaimi said...

I think, "ah!" (with a sigh) covers it all. (:

Unknown said...
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Dava said...

Little Lucy is so precious and you look fabulous! Hope you are getting some sleep. CONGRATS!!!

Jenny said...

This is so precious! I am getting all teary eyed! Your family is perfect!

Anonymous said...

Lucy is one of my all-time favorite girl names!... In fact, one time I dreamt that I had triplet girls...Lucy, Olive and Ruby! She is absolutely precious, Lisa! CONGRATULATIONS!

Heather said...

Lisa, I think you are so great!