Sunday, November 7, 2010

School Talent Show

Paige sang a lovely rendition of Annie's "Tomorrow", and, boy, I wish I knew how to download a video...I should know how to do that. In the meantime, her darling sun-in-the-eyes poses will have to do.

So proud of our brave girl.
Much more brave than I was at 9.
Fer sure.


Jenny said...

Way to go Paige! She is a girl of many talents, like her Mama! Your kids looked so cute for Halloween! It's fun to see pictures of the girls old teachers. Oh, I miss AZ!

the Wilcox Family said...

I would love to hear it. . .she's got some of her Mamma's skills, eh? I wish we lived by each other and she and Olivia could be buds.

Jules said...

Awesome. My 2 year-old sang that at our family talent show for the new school year--I'll try and post it on my blog sometime! You can use youtube to post her video--get an account.