Friday, November 5, 2010


One good gift*
is how it began.
A marriage to
a goodly man.

1, 2, 3,
and then came 4,
And on it's way is
5--One more!

Good gifts from God--
too much to bear.
Partaking daily of
my fair share.

A busy life
can overload.
And keep our thoughts
on the rugged road.

But moments, still
and precious, come
to tell us to slow
our pace down some.

To watch these gifts
and stare awhile.
Stare at them!
Stop to smile.

For gifts are given
from Him above
when we take pause
to see his love.

*Moroni 10:18
Sometimes I write things that rhyme--or don't. Like this, this, this, this and this.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That is beautiful Lisa! Congrats about #5!