Thursday, October 14, 2010

September's Happenings

Here are some random items from our past little while.

A broken garage door--to say the least.

Those little dents at the bottom were due to monsoon microburst winds.
Those broken shards of glass were not.
They were due to a garage door fix-it man who "messed up" (in his words), shattered the glass, suffered a major six-inch-glass-shard-going-through-hand injury, knocked on my door asking me to drive him to the emergency room whilst I am staring at a large pool of blood quickly collecting on my garage floor and me saying, "Um....uh..." and trying not to faint. I gave the poor guy an old lime green towel, a gatorade (ya know, so he wouldn't go into shock), and told him to put out his cigarette (for I imagine smoking is not good when you are losing blood).

It all worked out, the man was back at work that night (wow) after some stitches, and our garage is as good as new, if you'd like to drive by.


Lots of delightful dress-up time.


(Look how tall our Paige is!!)

Fall Soccer and Volleyball began. I have no pics from the games yet, but this is Dad in the backyard with the kiddos "running drills" and other official athleticism.


Steve had a birthday bash. The kids had picked out a Shark book from the book order "because Daddy loves Sharks, Mom!"

Which is true.

And, bonus, this book comes with 3-D glasses. Scary!

The other gifts included items from our pantry that the kids wanted to wrap.
Ya know, some of Dad's faves like salsa, kleenex, and mints.


Oh, and also, there's this.

I know, it doesn't look "positive"...which is why there are two.

But I really took three.

I mean, four.

Just to make sure.

Since, you do that when you're in shock.

In a good way.

13 weeks and the little pumpkin (also known as the "Owens' Final Installment") is so far, so good, according to the many ultrasounds.

I have been not-so-good in my fog-like state of nausea and exhaustion.

But life seems a little rosier now,

and I remember that food tastes good.

Though it still doesn't exactly smell good.

Yay for babies!


The Bennett Family said...

I don't read blogs very often but I had a feeling this post was going to be in your future eventually, which is why I check in once in a while! Congratulations!!! I'm just thinking how cute that would be if you ended up with a girl at the beginning and a tiny one on the end. :) Or if you add another to your cute, rambunctious pack of boys! Can't wait to hear. Hope you're doing well!

Ricky and Kristi Rogers said...

yay!! I am so excited for you! LOVE IT!! Your kids are getting so big. It will be so fun to have a baby around.I have had a couple melt downs myself. How do you really ever know????

I am so happy for you guys!

The Moore Family said...

SO many exciting things!! Mostly another perfect Owens baby! I am prematurely happy for your pregnancy to be over and for a baby to be in your arms. Stay rested until then, be safe!

Deirdre Eagar said...

Congrats!! I am nearing the end of the end of my pregnancies as well, boy#5 will join us in a couple weeks. I hope your pregnancy will be easy & quick. (but you know not too quick ;)

the Wilcox Family said...

Yea!!!! I think I love this post the best. And we can't wait to hear all about this Owens' caboose and how everything goes---feel better (and yea!! again!).

summer said...

this is very exciting news! I had a hunch when you send out the email to take a look that there might be an announcement wrapped in here somewhere! I am sure your family is so excited to have a baby come along...another bouncing bundle of joy! A very big congratulations to you all!

I love the updates on the family - sports days look like they keep everyone happy and busy...enjoy being able to shoo them right out your door to practice, I'm missing that a bit right now!

Jaimi said...

Here's to another chubby-cheeked Owens' baby!

Shane and Clara said...

Congratulations!! Yay another baby! I recently made it known to everyone that we too are having another baby!.....we are expecting a baby girl. I hope your sicknessy feeling gets better soon and you can enjoy pregnancy for a while. Can't wait to hear how everything goes. I'm sure your kids are excited to have a new baby too!

Wilson Family said...

LISA YAY! I'm so excited for you and your "final installment"!!! Take it easy and enjoy this last time around! I'm already excited to see the birth post... guess I may have to wait a little while for that one...

Janelle Ehat said...

Congrats Lisa!! I'm so excited for you to have another baby! Your kids are so beautiful and you are such a great family that it will be a blessing for everyone! I think wonderful people should have lots of babies so they can make lots of tiny wonderful people that will grow up to be big wonderful people! :) Hope you are feeling well!

The Gage Cage said...

Congratulations Lisa!!! I hope that baby and you stay healthy! May this be your easiest baby and pregnancy yet! I am very excited for you!

Tara Rickards said...

Lisa! That's awesome!! When are you due? I took a million tests too. :-). My first one looked just like your pink one. I hope you are feeling well. Your kids are growing up so beautifully!

Jules said...

Congrats!! How exciting!!