Monday, August 23, 2010

Wedded Bliss Anni #11

Chicken Parmigana

Orzo Salad

Parmesan Cream Biscuits

French Vanilla Cake with Almond Frosting

Since we already celebrated our anniversary at Magic Mountain, we decided to lay low on this day and spend it with the little people who have joined us since that day, 11 years ago. { Plus, two of them had Strep, so staying in was both by choice and by default.}

"Just how, exactly, does a girl get this lucky?"

I ask myself that all the time.


Shane and Clara said...

your menu looks and sounds scrumptious! We too stayed in this year and celebrated with our "little goosies" on our 11th!

Wilson Family said...

happy anniversary! love your artistic pictures that made my mouth water!!! that cake!
and what a happy family!... can't even tell who was sick.

CK said...

Man, that cake is BEAUTIFUL Lisa!
Can you make me one???? ;)

kimberly said...

i've never seen anyone share an anniversary with there kids and i thought that was awesome. having an elegant dinner at home is really neat.