Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Mother Dear, I love you so.."

My only daughter made me breakfast in bed for Mother's Day.

{I forgot to snap a picture after that chocolate protein shake right there, was later spilled all over the counter and floor}

Then she and her brothers walked that breakfast-on-tray up the 17 stairs without a single spill {that I know of} and proceeded to waken me with a rousing rendition {and I mean, rousing} of the lovely primary song, "Mother, Dear..."

I'm awake! I'm awake! was my first reaction, thinking there might be a fire or something. Happy to realize it was only my cherubs, I elevated my achy body {I'm so old} and listened to their song while enjoying my oatmeal, toast, apple and chocolate protein shake.

They really love me.

And also know how to serve a mean, well-balanced meal!

Being a mom is cool.


Christi Williams said...

Cute picture!! Love all those smiles. (I hope Steve helped clean up the kitchen)

the Wilcox Family said...

Can your kids talk to mine about Mother's Day? 'Cuz mine don't get it. I love that they make you a protein shake. . .you guys are so healthy. Please motivate me!