Yesterday we had an Owens' family gathering/food extravaganza/birthday party/photo shoot. I will be anxious to post the proofs of the whole family, but until then, my SIL snapped a few of these as teasers. {Thank you, Charlotte!}
G&G Owens with their 13 grandchildren
{Heavy on the boys}
He's going for the Rock-Star-Preppy look
One of the large group pictures was of all the Owens' in BYU Shirts. Fun statistic: Both of Steve's parents and their children and their spouses are BYU graduates. As you can see, Trevor is simply thrilled with this fact...
Cougar Beauty.
Future Cougar.
great family pictures! you look great! and it looks like the kids were so cooperative and everyone was in a good mood... how do you pull that off???
Oh,Preston--he reminds me of my crack-up nephew, Sam! Love that kid!
So cute! I am really loving your hair long!
You guys always have smiling kids for fam photos--lucky duck! And I love the BYU shirts. I guess we need to invest in some for the kids before Rich graduates to "encourage" future attendance at BYU.
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