Yes, that's right. Lice.
In my home.
In my babies' hair.
And, what's more, in my hair.
{insert groan, moan, sigh, heave, sob...whatever}
I will never homeschool, but I considered it this week. Along with the occasional hurt feelings and new bad words, lice is another little doozy that children can bring home from school.
So, what's a mother and father to do?
I did NOT shave my daughter's head--though, it must be said, that after the first 12 hours (I say, "first" because there were two sets of 12 hour increments) of picking eggs out of her head, it was considered-- but I did cut off about 5 inches. There were tears, but it will grow back.
Now for The Good News:
* Preston and Daddy avoided the little buggers (so far)
* Trev and Gav were free and clear after a shampoo treatment and a good shaving
* Paige and I had some serious mommy/daughter time and watched some great Barbie movies.
* My husband managed to gain even more brownie points by walking away from the Suns game to pick nits out of my hair for 2 hours. He is so good to me.
* I lost 5 pounds. No joke. My new business venture: "Need to lose weight? Forget all those dieting scams, try Nausea-Inducing Lice! Quick and effective." Honestly, I have had no appetite with all the bugs (remember my phobia?), plus I've been so consumed with the Killing and Disinfecting that there's been no time for food.
* More love. A painstaking, tedious, and dreadful occupation such as Lice Killer, sanctifies you in a way you never knew possible. And, this labor builds upon unconditional love. Really, I'm not just being poetic...well, maybe a little poetic.
Now, excuse me while I go bleach the sheets--again.
Oh my goodness, that is awful! I don't think I'd have an appetite either. This gives me the hebie-jebies...I feel for you! I hope you can feel free from those little yucky bugs/eggs soooon!
My skin is crawling and my head is itching as we speak. I think that would be the end of me! Thank goodness summer haircuts were around the corner anyway!Bless your heart, mama!
oh lisa i am so glad you are back. i've missed you! i hate that you had computer problems. i checked everyday of those three months hoping you'd show up. and you finally did.
i had to tell you that. now i will sit down and read through what you've been up to.
so sorry about the lice. our friends here just went through that exact thing and so my heart goes out to you. yuck and sorry!
but glad to see you again...and your cute kids... with cute bald heads :) PJ said we'd do the exact same thing...maybe even to brynn
LICE!!! I dread the day. That's when having boys is nice!!
Oh, Dear Sister of mine, life as the Mom is full of many adventures. My heart has been with you during this growing and itchy experience. You will look back at this and laugh. I am glad you could blog about it:-) I love you so much!!
Oh joy. I'm sorry about the little invaders. I'm crossing my fingers we won't get to experience that kind of fun. Gotta love school for that! By the way, your boys look adorable with the buzzed heads. Of course, they look adorable with any kind of hair (or lack of).
My daughter Kayla got lice from kindergarten twice last year. Somehow everybody else in our house was able to avoid it. My skin was crawling for a looooooong time. WAY nasty! I'm glad you lost 5lbs though...=)
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