Friday, December 18, 2009

"Equality for 8-year-olds!"

A conversation had in the kitchen. Of our home. Between my daughter and myself. While I was emptying the dishwasher. After school.

Mom, sometimes I just wish I could be normal!

Hmm...what do you mean, honey?

I just wish I was...(hmpf!) normal!

Okay, I guess I need more information, Paige. What do you mean by "normal"?
(preceeded by what can only be described as a growl) Just--every other kid my age gets to come home after school and--and eat Cheetos and play video games!!

Ohhh....that's awesome for them. But, aren't you happy with apple slices and reading?

It's not fair!

It was then that I realized I was a better mother than I thought.

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