Monday, December 21, 2009

A bajillion photos--Disney style.

{Waiting for the big kids and daddy to get off the "Indiana Jones" ride.}

{It must be said that Trevor was boogying down during this entire parade/show. I just couldn't seem to capture it.}

Cousin Elijah joined us for the 2nd evening.

Whew. I'm tired.


the Wilcox Family said...

I love that place! How fun that you guys were able to go! I'll tell my kids that you met Woody. They'll be totally jealous.

Jules said...

Seriously, it is magical, isn't it?!?

kimberly said...

what a fun family vacation. looks like everyone had a great time. your kids are getting so big and still so cute.

The Bennett Family said...

How fun! Love Disneyland. We've taken the older two kids and soon it will be time to take the rest I'm sure. I have to laugh at some of the comments about Paige and the fact that I noticed she and Kayli even own some of the same shirts! They would get along great.

The Bennett Family said...

And by the way, we did give in and Kayli owns a beatiful pink Snuggie which she wears nightly. :)