Thursday, October 29, 2009


Last month, our entire family had the Swine Flu. Yes, it's true. Don't be shocked because chances are that the fever your kids had that lasted for about 4 or 5 days with a little cough, was also the Swine Flu. Our doctor said, it's too early for the seasonal flu, so this is it. Swine. But, the good news is, we had it and we survived it. But, just barely. It was miserable and it hit us the week of my sister-in-law's funeral...when it rains, it pours.

Now, Trevor has pneumonia and Gavin has a sinus infection. Dr. thinks they are secondary from the Swine Flu.


But, the good news is we are now immune to the Swine Flu and don't need the shot.

I wasn't gonna get the shot anyway.

Cause I didn't want to get sick from it.

But we did get sick.

And did I mention we survived it?

You know, the Swine Flu?


just barely.

Punkins painting punkins

( These are the growth charts I've been working on.)

Happy Birthday, Preston!

You know what I love? I love when child's birth story fits their personality. Yes, 4 years ago, Preston was my speediest delivery. He was ready to conquer the world, yes he was. He was also the biggest baby, nearly 9 lbs at 3 weeks early. And his cheeks have continued to hang in there. Oh, we just adore our Preston and the jubilant joy and personality he brings to our lives.

See what I mean?

We do big friend parties every other year for the kids, and the other, the kids get to pick one friend to have dinner and cake with us. This is just as special for the kids, they love it. Here is Preston best bud, K.

Trevor is so thrilled to have "real" Legos added to the boys repertoire of standard boy toys.

Sadly, I missed the "I'm so excited I can't believe I got a real knight shield" face when he opened this. What you see here is the "this is kinda heavy and my mom is making me hold it up again for a picture" face.

Grandma and Grandpa Owens came too! Grandma brought her traditional "grandkids favorite cereal for their birthday" present. Another reason to love this four-year-old is his reaction when opening this cereal was as good as any extravagant toy.

What a happy day!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A facelift

Last week I had fun with a 2 day nursery facelift for my friend, Terri. She gave me a budget and off I went. Oh, so fun to decorate with someone else's money, right? (Then, she and her hubby were out of town so they were surprised to come home and see that it was done!!) I am pretty streamlined and simple in kids rooms. Here is the result:
BeforeAfter Blue chambray Ralph Lauren sheets I found on clearance at Ross were used to make a duvet and curtains.

I adore this stripe. Lots of work, but worth the impact.

I painted this fun little growth chart for little B and his sibs (I am also working on one for my kiddos toy room). We also found this small armoire in another room and switched it out for the dark green long dresser. (ooh, and see that lamp? Not so much. It's a shade sitting on a wooden candle stick. Terri said she would never use a lamp, but I had this left over shade and wanted to use it.)

This polka dot fabric is so soft and adorable. Thank you Hobby Lobby (aka Heaven). Then for the both the pillows and curtains, I just added a grosgrain ribbon with iron-on adhesive.
Man, it's fun to make things perty.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

More Reflections

Remember a few months ago when I found out I would get the opportunity to record on Mark Mabry's soundtrack? Well, I had the memorable experience to record in the studio with some very talented women this summer, and while one must strain to hear the "angel choir" in the background, I feel so grateful for the spirit of this project and that even an iota of my voice is lent to it! And, the CD is now at Deseret Book! In fact, the entire collection of unbelievable photography and music is out and it is just as breathtaking as his first project.

Click HERE to see!!
* For those who have inquired, the choir only sings on the 1st and last track of the CD. In fact, you can hear our lovely "ooooh's" and "aaaah's" in one of the songs if you watch the slide show on the link!