Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who watches Wipeout?

I just had to post this. Last night, I reminded Steve that my friend, Travis, was going to be on Wipeout. "Remember Travis? He helped deejay our wedding reception?"

Well, we had the absolute viewing pleasure of seeing my old high school buddy win--yes, WIN--Wipeout!! Aka "Super Shorts" (brilliant!), Travis took the obstacle course by storm and did us proud. His goofy get-up was so Travis, a shout-out to his former class clown status. It was such a hoot to see him go for it and then win the whole thing! Stake Dances, high school musicals, and prom seem a long time ago, until last night, when my funny friend made his debut. Awesome.

Put some money in a savings account for your kids, Trav. Then, GO TO DISNEYLAND!


The Gage Cage said...

"Thank you Cape for saving me on that one."
Travis Cluff aka Super Shorts

Shane and Clara said...

I watched it too and enjoyed seeing his hillarious personality! Super Shorts did make us all PROUD! We would haven't expected anything less then WINNER from him!
He helped DJ my wedding too!

The Tanners said...

I watched the video, it definitely was so Travis. Some of those moves were even better than the moves in the Calypso scene in Joseph. LOL
And a WINNER too, way to go Travis, thanks Lisa for posting it.