Friday, August 28, 2009
Sinatra, eat your heart out.
growing pains
She's 8.
And good at it.
Clenches her fist in determination to wear gym shorts to school.
And to do her own hair.
Could be worse, I keep thinking.
Keeps her scatter-brained mother organized.
Just yesterday, replied to something or other with a thoughtful, "Touche." and it was an appropriate response at the time.
Yes, comedic timing.
Loves her brothers.
Hides from her brothers.
Singing and singing and singing....
and singing.
"Please, honey. Let's not sing at the dinner table."
1.7 minutes later
she reminds me the same thing.
{I think I'll change that rule.}
Wears scarves and bandanas and hats...
has her own sense of style.
Growing up too fast--
it's hard on me, hard on her.
Still wants to be tucked in
forever, I hope.

...that I could listen to my parents speak this Sunday.
Oh, did I mention? They were called to the Canada Halifax Mission and report on Sep. 7th. And, yes, Prince Edward Island of Anne of Green Gables' fame is in their mission!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Happy Haiku to you.

when we made a vow
reminded to speak
del mar room service
BYU marrieds
fun driving the champ
he taught MTC
villa maria
baby paige graced us
time at grandma o's
a first house we built
bedrest baby preston t
m & d o serve
'nother boy ahead
must find a new home
keeping out the world
we stand here now us
Thursday, August 20, 2009
We're going green.
...fruit, that is.
I discovered this cross between a plum and an apricot.
A pluot.

And it's delicious and nutritious.
And our offspring can't get enough.
And they're currently on sale at our local market.
On my list:
- a full bag of pluots
- 3 gallons of skim milk
- 1 gallon of Vitamin D milk
- 1 gallon of 1% milk
{Not that milk and pluots accompany each other well, but I cringe to have a shortage of milk in our fridge--and our 2nd fridge--but that is another story.}
I even have a marketing slogan for the hybrid: