Monday, April 27, 2009

Fathers and sons campout

The countdown was over.
Our boys got down and dirty and had a grand adventure.

The verdict:

**Oh, and in case you were wondering--I got a sitter for Gavin, and Paige and I had a girls night out at the Hannah Montana Movie. { I actually thought it was a really cute movie and am quite interested in the soundtrack. }


The Bennett Family said...

How fun! I can't imagine it being camping season yet! I'm glad to hear you liked the Hannah Montana movie...I bet Kayli would love that. (She thinks she's a major fan even though I doubt she's ever seen a whole episode...and I may want to keep it that way!)

Sapp Family said...

I also was surprised that the movie wasn't that bad. I even bought Katy the soundtrack since we both enjoyed the music. It's pretty good. Now Katy want's to learn that crazy dance they did. Mom's no help. :)

Christi Williams said...

Looks like Dad & Boys had a great time. What memeories they will have.