Monday, April 6, 2009

Baptism Day

Paige was baptized last week and though it is already recorded in heaven, it is finally being recorded here! Oh, it was a wonderful day blessed with family, friends, and a very tender-hearted eight-year-old girl.

We presented Paige with the Baptism Bag that I had made for her.

These are the items found inside, which each represent something about baptism. See the card? This is what it said, {feel free to copy me, 'cause I copied this girl}:

My Baptism Bag
My baptism bag was made for me with love to help me remember how important my baptism is. I can ponder the things inside my bag before and after I am baptized.
My white bag represents how clean and pure I will be after I am baptized.
In my bag I have an eraser that represents all my sins being washed away or "erased".
I have water to remind me that I am baptized by immersion, just as Jesus was baptized.
After I am baptized, I will receive the special gift of the Holy Ghost.The little mouth helps me remember that the Holy Ghost will speak to me in a still small voice.
The ear is to help remind me to listen to the Holy Ghost so I will be able to choose the right.
As I listen to the Holy Ghost, he will comfort me. The little blanket reminds me of the great comforter that will be with me my whole life.
The bookmark signifies the importance of gaining knowledge and wisdom, especially from the scriptures.
The candle in my bag is to remind me to let my light so shine as I walk the righteous path each day. By obeying the commandments I can show my love to Heavenly Father and Jesus.
The heart in my bag shows how much my Heavenly Father and Jesus love me.
All the things in my bag baptism bag help me remember the sacred covenants I will make on my baptism day. When I choose the right my heart will fill with joy and I will be truly happy.

Then my mom presented a darling poster covered in packs of stick gum, with the following attached:

Congratulations, Paige!

We are giving eight packs of gum sticks to remind you of things we need to "stick" to.

Stick to the church, all your life through.

Stick to the truth, in all that you do.

Stick to a job, until it is done

Stick to a challenge , until you have won!

With 100 kisses too {attached bag of 100 Hershey's kisses}

Oh, my loves!

Oh, I know she's mine, but seriously, how lovely is this one?

A precious photo of Paige with two sets of her grandparents {missing are Grandpa Ben and Grandma Sandy in California}

Mommy, Paige & Daddy
Then, of course there was food...lots and lots of good food.

And cookies.
Well, a cookie bar to be exact:

These are little chocolate pops I made for all who came, saying:

Thank you for joining us on this {sweet} day!
March 28, 2009

You know there had to be a floral centerpiece...
It was such a sweet experience for Paige. The next morning before church, she got out the journal that the Primary President had given her and wrote about 8 pages worth of memories, gifts, family & friends attended, her testimony...She was very emotional during the baptismal service and at the end, she leaned over and whispered to me, This is the best day ever.


the Wilcox Family said...

So, how creative and 'extra mile-ish' are you? Very. I might have to step it up come mid-August! I loved the cute pictures. . . she's a keeper! p.s. Can you save me some cookies?

Shane and Clara said...

So sweet. what a wonderful milestone for you and your daughter. And I love how beautiful your kids' eyes are... they all have those bright and radiant blue eyes. YOur such a good Mommy to make her day extra special!

The Moore Family said...

She is such a special girl. Love your ideas. . as always!

The Moore Family said...

She is such a special girl. Love your ideas. . as always!

The Bennett Family said...

Congratulations, Paige! What a special day for you. Everything you did was so cute and sweet, Lisa. Loved your thoughts on the motherhood post too - I've been thinking those same things lately. I need to remind myself often that now is the time to savor the moments.

The Gage Cage said...

LOVE the cookie bar idea! Paige is such a cutie! Her hair was darling. You're granite counters make the roses even prettier. This is probably the most random comment I've ever given.

Janelle Ehat said...

Paige does look so beautiful!! I think I will steal your stolen baptism bag. My oldest is getting baptized in October and I just love that idea! Thanks so much for sharing! And thanks for you post on Motherhood and remembering what's important and living in the moment. I really appreciate reading things like that as often as possible from as many different sources as possible! It really helps keep things in perspective and encourages me to be the kind of mom I really want to be and am trying to be! Thank you again! I love reading your blog!