I am pretty thrilled to have American Idol on the airwaves once again. And this time, I actually am sorta-kinda related to one of the contestants: 

This is Justin Williams. He is my sister's nephew (on her hubby's side). He was at the Phoenix auditions, but they didn't actually show his audition. He made it through to Hollywood so they briefly showed him at the end when they gave the recap of those who made it through. He was also one of the people who jump in the pool at the end. I've heard him sing in person and he does have a really good voice. In fact, here is a link on You Tube of him singing at his parent's house. We'll have to wait and see what happens!
He does sing beautifully!
So...when are you going to come out with a CD...seriously. If you have a recording at ll I would LOVE to purchase a copy!!!!!!
That. Is. Awesome. You are famous.
This might sound wierd...I don't know if it's because I've been thinking about AZ alot lately or what...I have been craving to listen to you sing. I have always really LOVED your voice! If it isn't to much trouble send a demo my way.
1175 Mckelvy Ave
Clovis, CA 93611
Paul oral exam in Ca is one week from tomorrow. We won't get the results for a couple months though. We'll see how things go.
Good luck with your adventures and ambitions! You are certainly worthy of them all! I am a total a fan!
Eric and I kind of know him too. Well Eric knows him better than I do but we know him from showtime in utah and yes he is an awesome performer. One christmas all the boys decided they wanted to sing in the mall to get money so they were in the car trying to make up different arrangements of classic christmas songs. Quite the entertainment to hear all of their beautiful voices in harmony to "away in a manger" and then Jay in the background rapping with the occassional "waah waah" as the baby Jesus! I hope he does well!
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