Monday, November 17, 2008

A practical portrait.

What do you see?

I see a mother with a bored three-year-old, who is teaching her children not to waste our precious resources.
She's not quite green, but working toward, saving the "green"--if you know what I mean.
I'm a poet and I didn't know it.
The end.


Janelle Ehat said...

I see what every bathroom in my house looks like almost daily! No one seems to mind, but I do get a little embarrassed when we have guests over and they find a "pile" of toilet paper instead of a "roll"! oh well! Here's to the realities of life with children!

The Gage Cage said...

Been ther. Done that. It's been a that I said that it will happen tonight.

Jaimi said...

I was going to say, "Look at it as art" until I saw the moisture droplets.(;

Jaimi said...

D'oh! Just reread your title--guess you were!(:

Shane and Clara said...

We've had that in our house! At least yours was foldable or re-rollable! I've had it where it becomes little crumpled up balls to try and use. Unraveling it must just be soo FUN!

The Bennett Family said...

We all have had that happen at least once, right? And the baby wipes one by one out of the box...and the long as they don't get put in the toilet and cause a plumbing problem I guess we just have to laugh.

Jules said...

heeheee! I remember saying that when we were what, 12? And my 3 year old did something similar the other day, just not quite so neat.

The Moore Family said...

Love it- you are too darn cute!