This one...
...was walking in his sleep.
This one...
...ate something that didn't agree with him. The end.
This one...
...well, I'm used to this one, but our nightly rendezvous are usually more pleasant. Last night, poor baby Goo was kept awake by his stuffy nose and aching ear.
This one...
...had a bad dream. Something about a volleyball...
And now, this is me:
...was walking in his sleep.
This one...
...ate something that didn't agree with him. The end.
This one...
...well, I'm used to this one, but our nightly rendezvous are usually more pleasant. Last night, poor baby Goo was kept awake by his stuffy nose and aching ear.
This one...
...had a bad dream. Something about a volleyball...
And now, this is me:
Except for not so stylish and vintage.
oh lisa i feel for you and understand your...i really do...
I feel your pain! Except NONE of mine slept through the night and only 2 of the 4 went back to sleep for an extended period of time after 2 am! I tried to take a nap and only got 20 min! I told Peter that it's a good thing they are so cute and I love them so much!
Sleepless of the MANY perks to motherhood. 8^(.I hope tonight is much quieter for you and your family.
I think it;s so annoying that when you have a sick on or two kids the healthy ones have bad dreams on the same night. I think that should b against the rules.
Dont you love those nights? Sorry! Scary sleep walker - put hte baby gate at the top of the stairs!!
bummer for you! Mom's have to care for all those little and big ones...great end pic:)
UGH. Hate nights like those. I get grumpy when I'm woken up for silly things--like Luke losing his bunny or last night he woke up and wanted me to sing a song to him at 4:30am! But, then I remember waking my mom up and I never remember her getting upset with me so I try to be nicer.
Been there, done that.
And you know how much I need my sleep. :-) Last night was horrible, Lindsay has been watching too many scary Halloweens shows.
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