Friday, October 10, 2008

Blessed by Adoption

These are our friends, Jeff and Jaimi (and Ray of Sunshine, Summer), who are looking to adopt another child. They live in Arizona where Jeff is currently a medical student, and as they so beautifully put it:

"We feel that it is our responsibility to do whatever we can to find our next child. As families blessed by adoption will attest, the way the Lord leads these children to their families varies and we feel that we cannot close our minds to resources available to us. That is where we need your help. We ask that with your awareness of our search for our child(ren) that you will share our desire with others. We are asking you to forward this email to the contacts in your address book in case that is the pathway our next child will be connected with us. Another helpful resource would be including links to our adoption profile and our adoption blog on your own blogs.

We begin this process again with humility as we recognize the eternal ramifications of adoption. We have an absolute testimony that adoption is a miracle and give thanks for the miracle of Summer in our lives. We are so excited for our next little miracle. We thank each of you for the love and support you have given us through the years as our family has grown from 2 to 3 and as we pray for number 4. With love, Jeff and Jaimi"

Blessed is the child that is placed in the arms of this wonderful family. Maybe you know someone who is searching for a loving home for a precious baby and would benefit from hearing about our friends. If there is anyone who you think might be interested, let them know and forward their story. The following links help you get to know them better:
Here is the link to their adoption profile:

1 comment:

Janelle Ehat said...

My friend just posted this on her blog, they adopted a little boy a few months ago
"Heart to Heart is putting out phone calls looking for a family. They have a baby boy due Jan 20, 2009 who is full Caucasian. They haven't been able to find a family for him yet. His fees are $30,000. If you are interested contact Heart to Heart adoptions in Sandy, UT. Or link to their website at .
They always have a running list of upcoming babies that need placement so if you aren't interested in this situation take a look at some of the others. Keep in mind that Caucasian babies are the most expensive. Black babies are about half that price. Hispanics somewhere in the middle. Sad, but true. This particular agency has placed 75 babies since January till now."

Just thought I'd pass along the info any maybe you could give it to your cute friend