Thursday, August 21, 2008

Best love stories ever

Anne and Gilbert

Bella and Edward

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett

Jim & Pam

and, of course, Steve and Lisa
(also, we are not a fictional couple--bonus!)

Happy 9th Anniversary Steve!

You are my favorite person ever. Thank you for all the bliss.


The Moore Family said...

Happy Anniversary. . you guys are one of the best love stories ever - for sure!

The Gage Cage said...

Lisa you have the NICEST arms! The picture of you and Steve putting your hands flat against eachother....great arms!

Anyway....Happy 9th Anniversary! I hope you have a great day!

Tara Rickards said...

That was one of the cutest posts I've ever seen! Happy Anniversary!

Molly said...

Happy Anniversary! I LOVE Anne and Gilbert Blithe.

Jules said...

Congrats!! I'm finally catching up on your blog. Things were crazy after vacation. I'm cracking up at your weapon rules.