Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I wish I could cry like this right now. I just want to crumple up on the floor and cry. Just like this. Unfortunately, my tear ducts are on strike (probably due to an overabundance of tears accompanied by our 4th baby--those darn baby blues.) Isn't it just like this sometimes? I just have SO MUCH TO GET DONE and can't seem to DO IT. I have dinner, laundry, packing for our trip tomorrow, feeding the baby, cleaning the kitchen, refereeing fights between children, keeping toddler off the kitchen table and out of the pantry.....this is when I say, bring on the nanny! So, I want to cry, but can't. So, in times of desperation, I resort to my next method of operation which resembles this:

Yes, I bust out a High G above High C with all the vibrato I can muster....and I don't care if the neighbors hear it. I suggest you try this at home. It feels good, almost like a loud sigh set to music. The kids think I'm crazy when this happens, but it's better than yelling, right? So, as I wait for the water to boil for dinner, I do now feel a little better having gotten that out.


Cortney said...

found your blog through christy' are you?? as i type one handed and try to calm a screaming one month old, i say amen!! i do the same thing... the high pitched scream. my 2 year old usually runs to the couch and says, "you scared me mommy, are you happy again?" hilarious! good to see you and your beautiful family.
hugs and kisses,

The Moore Family said...

I'm sorry my love- do you want me to watch the kids for a bit today- it is a good time for me! You are always so happy and together- you just never know who is struggling. I think we all are- but think everyone else is not. Hmm. . I'm calling you.

The Gage Cage said...

The life style of having a bay is my least favorite. It seriously makes it impossible to finish anything you start. I hope the baby blues don't last to long. I haven gotten that with each baby but I got it the worst with my third baby. It is LAME when you can't talk yourself into feeling good. I hope you have a great trip and get every needful thing done. Take care Lisa!

Dave, Danielle and Luke said...

I feel ya sistah! Oh those hormones are the worst I finally felt normal after a year. You are seriously my hero though...four darling kids, big time callings, the recent move, newborn, housework, I'm sure the list can go on forever!! Please call if you want a little break I am always willing and I must say I am glad I am not the only one who belts out a good scream every now and then!

Dave, Danielle and Luke said...

PS- was that previous tag for me to do? I've never done one but it has always looked fun. I am excited!

Christi Williams said...

It's okay Lisa, bust out in High G above High C with all the vibrato you can muster, if that what works for you.

You are doing an amazing job. I think you just worry about to many things at one time and you do too much. I say "Do Your Best and Let Go of the Rest"; stop worrying about what other people think.

Take things one day at a time. You need more sleep; get some sunshine and fresh air. Don't look at things you haven’t done, but what you have done each day.

I Love You, and am so proud of you.
Your Sister Christi

Christi Williams said...

PS: I am the fat lady singing.

sharee said...

Hey I had one of those days this week. Heather gave me your blog. I just started blogging myself and it is so fun to see old friends. Here is my blog address.
We are living in West Valley Utah. Jeff is a General Contractor. I am staying home with the kids. Life is crazy with three kids I don't know how you are doing 4. Cute family! Miss you guys!
Sharee Spotten

The Tanners said...

Miss Muffet, I wish I knew what a high G above High C was, then maybe I could use it more often. You are doing an awesome job, you are just awesome period. We have all been there at times. Isn't it great that we do make it through, and then start all over again. Oh, but what a thrill when those special times come that we don't need a G or C or anything.
I love you, Mom

Jules said...

Last Saturday I had to clean the church, go to a ballet performance, HOST and cook for an Open House and go to a wedding reception. When I got back home after the wedding reception I was told by a "friend" who was still at my house from the Open House (where at least 50 people came--1/2 being children under 6) that I needed to stop having babies and hire a housekeeper. Let's just say that she is OCD and single. I wished I could have cried, but I had no tears. I surprisingly had no tears all day. But, she just made me mad. I love my life and don't envy her at all. But sometimes people just need to shut up (ps--my house is almost always clean. But hosting an open house and cooking almost all the food at it can be damaging). Maybe if I screamed it would have been beneficial.

Christensen Family said...

Now that I have got to try!! It's perfect for "those moments"! So glad you found me! Isn't technology awesome...well at leat for moments like this :)!!