Thursday, May 29, 2008

Tagged about my man!

1. Who is your man? Steve
2. How long have you been together? 9 years
3. How long dated? 2 1/2 months - Engaged? 2 1/2 months (hey, when it's right, it's right)
4. How old is your man? 31
5. Who eats more? We both have pretty good appetites.
6. Who said "I love you" first? Steve. We were standing on the Santa Monica Pier in CA at night, looking over the rail at the waves. It was extremely head was spinning and I was dizzy and it took my breath away.

7. Who is taller? Steve
8. Who sings better? Me, but Steve won me over with his Harry Connick Jr imitation.
9. Who is smarter? I'm gonna go ahead and say we are both pretty intelligent.

10. Who's temper is worse? Mine

11. Who does the laundry? Usually me, but he's been particularly helpful in that area lately.

12. Who does the dishes? Both of us.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me.

14. Who pays the bills? Steve. He's our Excel Spread Sheet Budget Man.
15. Who has bigger feet? Steve.
16. Who has longer hair? Me, but Steve has great hair.

17. Who is better with the computer? Oh, I guess Steve.

18. Who mows the lawn? Steve

19. Who cooks dinner? Me.

20. Who drives when you are together? Steve.

21. Who pays when you go out? Steve if it's a date, but me if we're at the store with the family. He will take everyone to the van to load up while I pay.

22. Who is most stubborn? Neither of us is stubborn, but I do like to get my that stubborn?.... ;)

23. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Steve
24. Whose parents do you see the most? Steve's, they live in Phoenix too.

25. Who kissed who first? Pretty sure it was mutual.

26. Who asked who out? Steve asked me out. We had been friends for awhile and one day I was rehearsing a song in my room for an audition and he and his roommate called me from their bedroom window (yes, our windows faced each other). He asked me to a symposium at BYU with Gerald Lund, then we went to dinner at Los Hermanos.
27. Who proposed? He did, on June 12th on the roof of my parents home in Clovis, CA, at sunrise.
28. Who is more sensitive? We take turns.

29. Who has more friends? I have more friends, but I think Steve is more friendly.

30. Who has more siblings? Same, both have 3.

31. Who wears the pants in the family? He wears the pants, but I tell him which ones to put on!

Love you Steve-O!!

I tag Jaimi, Carrie, and Danielle.

Stephenie's latest

Despite my inner fight to avoid reading it just because everyone else did, I've joined the ranks of Twilight Series fans and hoped for the best with this new one, "The Host". Like many of you, I'm no Sci-Fi fan, but she's got me reeled in. This was pretty captivating and I love her writing style. It's no Edward and Bella, but it's one I couldn't put down. I'm going to name drop here and have you know that I was Stephenie Meyer's visiting teacher when we first moved here to Phoenix...we even co-directed a Relief Society play's to her naming one of her characters after me! (fingers crossed)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008

Let's Talk "Idol"--part 2

So my friend Kelly made a strong comment about the previous article so I am adding a little clarification so that she will still respect me as a singer-- LOL. I WAS a pretty big fan of Jason Castro in the beginning. I feel like his last good performance was "Somewhere over the Rainbow" and then it just got more and more awkward and more and more sad after that. The past month or so, I always felt embarrassed for him as he was singing. It is clear that he is NOT a natural performer, however, I stand by my opinion of his voice. I will love his CD (I hope it's a Jack Johnson type collection of songs--see my playlist--->) and hope that he stays in the recording studio and away from the stage...

David Cook still gets my vote.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Let's talk "Idol"

So, I was a pretty big fan of Jason Castro...I could do without the dreads (do they wash that?) but it added to his character. Plus, his voice was pretty fantastic in a mellow, easy-to-listen-to, folksy way. Beautiful tone and quality...anyway, he's gone and Steve and I both agree we will buy his CD when it undoubtedly makes it debut. Also, love David Cook. Also buying the CD. He makes anything he sings just cool. He's a real musician and ya gotta love that. Love Mormon boy Archuleta. He'll probably win and kudos to him. Check out this article my best girl Molly sent me. It's pretty interesting with the take on all of the "Reality-Show Mormons"

I think I watch this show because I secretly wish it was me...I dream of being the Soccer Mom contestant that all the young moms get behind and vote for...but, oh yeah, I'm TOO OLD TO TRY OUT....Oh well, there's still the Animated-Disney-Princess-voice-over-dream....

Gotta love a good Tag!

Tagged by my lovely neighbor Natalie. Here goes:

3 Joys:
1) When prayers are answered
2) When my hubby walks in the door at the end of the day
3) When my child poops in the toilet for the first time--seriously--the heart leaps.

3 Fears: (only three?...okay I'll try):
1) That one of my kids will get stung by a scorpion (a reality in AZ)
2) That someone will break in while we are home
3) That "The Office" will someday go off the air...

3 Goals:
1) To get ORGANIZED (this includes food storage)
2) To get back in shape and feel strong and healthy
3) To invent a fabric that is spit-up and baby poop repellant

3 Current Obsessions/Collections:
1) Blogging
2) American Idol
3) Craigslist

3 Random/Surprising facts:
1) 20/200 eyesight--I can barely get out of bed in the morning without my glasses on
2) I enjoy doing laundry--the smell, the accomplishment, the re-stocked drawers...
3) I'm a great speller. Always have been. Runner up in 5th grade spelling bee. Pride myself on never using spell-check (well, 99.9% of the time)

I tag anyone reading this who is in the mood for it!