Friday, April 11, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

To me, being tagged is like getting picked for teams in elementary school. Does anyone feel the same way or is it just me? I've read several blogs with "tag" lists and thought, "Hey, I want to be tagged too!" As if I couldn't make my own random lists about how wonderful my husband is or lists of things I like on my own...I had to be tagged. :) It's like a rite of passage into the blog world...I"m so wierd. Anyway, so thank you Krista, my Fresno friend, for tagging me. It is because of you that I finally feel like I have been accepted into the blogosphere and can move on --hee, hee.

The rules to this tag are .........using the letters of your middle name describe yourself. Tag as many people as there are letters in your middle name.

My middle name is ANN (since it is so short, this is a pathetic beginning of my career as a tag-ee)

A--All About Aesthetics--Dictionary says "Aesthetic--pertaining to a sense of the beautiful". I love finding things that I find lovely, or beautiful or pleasing to the eye to decorate my home with (bad grammar, sorry). It doesn't have to be flowery or fancy. It could be a huge rustic clock or a vibrant throw pillow, simple things. I love balance and symmetry in decorating.... I love sunsets (really, who doesn't?), I love scrapbook paper with great color combinations and textures, I love a wall of paint swatches at Home Depot that are organized in rainbow colors. I love beautiful photography, especially black and white pictures.

N--Not Organized--I have so many great ideas, good intentions and worthy desires as far as being organized goes. Now that we have moved, our home has lots of potential for organized spaces...I dream of many baskets, files, shelves, tubs, bins, hooks--you name it. However, time to achieve this is essential and I do not yet have that luxury. Maybe when my cute newborn is not attached to me for 97% of my day or when tax season is over and my hubby can grace us with his presence at last ( 4 more days!!!) which means my children will be safely distracted by their fun daddy...this organizing thing will happen slowly and surely. I'll keep you updated.

N--Needing More Sleep--I'm tired. Above-mentioned cute newborn, above-mentioned tax season, 4 children, "Joseph" rehearsals (I'll explain later), coming down with a cold, laundry, toilets....I know I'm preaching to the choir here. We all have these moments. Well, mine is now. 11:50 pm and I'm still blogging. What am I doing? Maybe this part should be "N--Not Good at Going to Bed When I'm Really Tired But Finally Have All Children Asleep And Have A Moment To Myself And Want To Just Sit Here Listening To My Playlist Music", that would be too lengthy.

I tag Julie M, Christi my sis, and Summer L. And anyone else who would like to tag me again, I will gladly accept and fulfill this duty to the best of my ability. :)


Jules said...

I'll do it soon--but remember--we have the same middle name!

The Gage Cage said...

Thank you for doing the tag Lisa. It was fun to read about you! =) I just went to a Time Out For Women that came to Fresno. I saw one of Clara's little sisters. She told me that Clara is 4 months pregnant with her third baby. She didn't know the sex of Clara's baby. I'm pretty sure she currently has two sons. I am excited for her because getting pregnant isn't super easy for her. I am excited for tax season to end for your husband soon. Get as much rest as you can and take care!

summer said...

I am so sorry that I have not tagged you never knows how someone will feel about it - for me, I tend to like it because as you said, I could write about these things on my own, but the "TAG" makes it that much more of a reason to write about myself. So now I will tag you ALL the TIME!! :)
Thanks for sharing things about you - very fun to read, although I might have to come visit some time to see how you do organize. I tend to love the idea of baskets and being organized...and then I have a hard time implementing it. Please share your secrets of success!