Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Paige came home today with four-leaf clover she had made at school yesterday on St. Patrick's Day. They were supposed to write four wishes down that they would make. I got a kick out of it. If my USB cord was working I would've taken a picture of her actual clover, but here is her list of wishes:

1) I wish I had a big sister.
2) I wish that I had a puppy that was a poodle.
3) I wish I could have a brown horse.
4) I wish my room was clean forever!

Uh, Universe? Yes, I would like to put in extra good kharma toward Wish #4 please.


The Gage Cage said...

You kids are so cute! Love the poses with hot pink glasses. Paige looks "Fabulous". Her wishes are so darling. # 4 is great because she can make it a goal.

Just a side note, I love your armoir!

Danielle O. said...

I just found your blog and I am lovin' it! I am so impressed with you, as I keep saying that on a regular basis, but a newborn, three other kids, a new house, new callings, long work hours for the hubby and a cute blog!! You are truly my hero!

Lisa said...

mom you really embarass me, but thats OK.
