Sunday, March 16, 2008

"This is dreadful...", but not so much

No, this is not a terrible blog entry with some dramatic story. Just a quick blog entry with a nice story. I started the day a little apprehensive. I'll admit, I was kind of dreading it. It was Sunday and my husband woke me bright and early as he was leaving at 6:15 so I could start the process of getting our family of four children ready for church-- ALL ALONE. Yes, today was his first Sunday as the 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric and I had to do it alone. Now, I did this before when he was Elders Quorum Pres, but that didn't include sitting in Sacrament Meeting and we were also less one little Owens....

I guess this was more daunting because my hubby is generally just so darn helpful on Sunday mornings that Sunday mornings have tended to be just short of a spa day for me. What, with the free time to shower at my leisure, shave my legs, pluck my brows, fully blow-dry my hair, paint my toenails depending on the season...then it ends with either pancakes or eggs that he had concocted....can I hear an amen?

So, again, I was sort of beginning my day with a feeling of dread, a little nervous, but bound and determined to get there on time, if not early! I had planned well. I had checked off all items on the list the night before:

*All clothes set out, including socks/shoes--check!
*Diaper bag packed including healthy snacks--check!
*Same diaper bag packed including not-so-healthy-emergency snacks--check!
*Books, coloring books, crayons, magna doodles, anything to distract 2-year-old--check!

So, we made it to church 7 minutes early. There was no drama. There were no terrible fights of what someone would or would not wear, no wailing because hair needed to be tamed, no crying because a shoe couldn't be found, no messy diaper as we were walking out the door. (I know many of you hear me loud and clear.)

It gets better. We made it through the entire meeting without Mommy (the one writing this) having to clean up an embarrassing spill of Kix cereal all over the floor or break up a fight over the blue crayon or take a single soul through the exit doors of the chapel. Miracles do happen, people.

Later that day, as the kids and I were eating lunch at home, we had 3 consecutive spills of cups of milk. Literally, I cleaned one spill, then the next one my daughter was helping clean up the last spill, she quietly stated, "This is dreadful." We just laughed as we sopped up the wet mess, and she continued to say it. I realized, now that the potentially dreadful day that I was anticipating never showed its face, I was okay with this kind of "dreadful".

*Editor's note: I would like to thank any angels that helped make this very undreadful day possible. You know who you are. And in case any are wondering, I am refering to actual angels. I know that they are how these kinds of days occur. :)


The Gage Cage said...

That would be an adjustment. I am just barley adjusting in the other direction. As far back as I can remember Paul has been gone on Sundays. Ever since I had my second child anyway, Paul has had a calling that required those Sunday meetings. Not to long ago I was released from YW and Paul was released from being the Bishops Secretary (So Paul can be in YM). I used to think having him gone was great because he'd be showered ready for church and out of the way so I can get to work. I was worried he was going to slow me down or mess up my system a little bit. Now that I have him home I LOVE it. I'm just enjoying it while it last. Just like you, I like to paint my nails and enjoy that uninterrupted shower.

Carrie said...

Oh Lisa! That is WILD! We are living the same life...except I have half the kids! My husband was called as 2nd counselor last week! I've been getting ready for church without him for a while though...because he's been Elders Quourum pres for about 5 months and had meetings prior to church weekly. So before church wasn't a was Sacrament meeting! (Oh yea, aside from the pancakes, my hubby is/was just as super helpful - before and DURING church!) I am dreadfully nervous about getting to church though...once the baby comes. The just as you are leaving the house baby blowouts and timing of feedings are so unpredictable! However, we too were about 7 minutes early yesterday too! Scott has to leave our house at 5:45 am...woa! Sounds like seminary. p.s. Isn't it hilarious and cute all at the same time seeing your husband sitting on the stand?

Dave said...

Thanks for posting such a happy experience! I love that your daughter knows the word "dreadful!" Hee Hee!

Anonymous said... hubby had me logged in as HIM! That last post was from me!

summer said...

My guess is that your church is at 9am...otherwise, why are you getting up at 6am?! That is wonderful about Steve, and something that doesn't surprise me a bit with the two of you! I was actaully thinking this past Sunday that the nice thing (one of the few) about church at 2pm, is that those "early morning" meetings, aren't really TOO early, and there should be plenty of time to get everyone ready, but most Sundays I'm still racing against the clock as I'm the last one in the shower! I'm very impressed with the entire story - even the spilled milk, because as DREADFUL (Madeleine would get along so well with Paige!) as that was, I'm sure it was easier to deal with, then all the other things that could have happened. I really hope that each Sunday will go as well for you - what a great family you are, and what a really wonderful story to read...that will be one to share with your children often so that they know that prayers are answered, miracles that "small" do happen, and angels are watching over us!

Jules said...

I am cracking up about your night before checks--"not-so healthy snacks." We sometimes have those. Especially when we BOTH have to sing in the choir. One time it back-fired on me when Luke STILL came up on stage w/ the lollipop in hand. My sis, Jeannie is in the same boat as you and carrie!