Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A New Year, A New Sunbeam!

Here is our big Sunbeam! Trevor is delighted at the new title, loves talking about being in Primary with the big kids, and loves wearing a "suit" to church like daddy, but once he steps foot in the Primary room, he changes his tune...we are hoping the transition won't take too long :)

Trevor quotes:
--When asked if he's hit one of his siblings or broken something, his somewhat truthful response is, "Well, just a little bit." as he squeezes his thumb and index finger together.

--When asked what we should name his new baby brother he has kindly suggested, "Sparky".

--Our ever-serious boy, when asked how preschool was today, he politely responded, "Mom, could you please stop asking questions?"

1 comment:

summer said...

Our boys would get along so well! Little B does a very similar finger thing, and it makes me laugh! The sunbeam transition took us all by surprise as well - he was SO excited at home, and then when we got to church it was a different outlook completely! Fun post - fun quotes - fun little boy...and soon you will have 3 fun little boys!!